Enumerating Users


Enumerate all users with all properties in current domain


Enumerate a specific user with all properties in current domain

Get-NetUser -UserName <USERNAME>

Enumerate all users with all properties in another domain

Get-NetUser -Domain <DOMAIN NAME>

Enumerate a specific user with all properties in another domain

Get-NetUser -UserName <USERNAME> -Domain <DOMAIN NAME>

Search for users in current domain that matches with a specific keyword

Get-NetUser | ?{$_.Name -match "keyword"}

Get username & user principal name of all users in current domain

Get-NetUser | Select samaccountname,userprincipalname

Get username & user principal name of all users in another domain

Get-NetUser -Domain <DOMAIN NAME> | Select samaccountname,userprincipalname

Get username & user principal name of a specific user in current domain

Get-NetUser -UserName <USERNAME> | Select samaccountname,userprincipalname

Get username & user principal name of a specific user in another domain

Get-NetUser -UserName <USERNAME> -Domain <DOMAIN NAME> | Select samaccountname,userprincipalname

Get username, GUID, SID and LDAP's ADS path of all users in current domain

Get-NetUser | Select samaccountname,objectguid,objectsid,adspath | fl

Get username, GUID, SID and LDAP's ADS path of all users in another domain

Get-NetUser -Domain <DOMAIN NAME> | Select samaccountname,objectguid,objectsid,adspath | fl

Get username, Last logged on, Last log off, Password Last Set and Bad password Time of a specific user in current domain

Get-NetUser -UserName <USERNAME> | Select samaccountname,lastloggedon,lastlogoff,pwdlastset,badpasswordtime | ft

Get username, Last logged on, Last log off, Password last set and Bad password Time of all users in another domain

Get-NetUser -Domain <DOMAIN NAME> | Select samaccountname,lastloggedon,lastlogoff,pwdlastset,badpasswordtime | ft

Get users in current domain with group membership

Get-NetUser | Select samaccountname,memberof

Get users in another domain with group membership

Get-NetUser -Domain <DOMAIN NAME> | Select samaccountname,memberof

Get description of all users in current domain

Get-NetUser | Select samaccountname,description

Get description of all users in another domain

Get-NetUser -Domain <DOMAIN NAME> | Select samaccountname,description

Active Directory Module

Enumerate all users with default properties in current domain using Active Directory Module

Get-ADUser -Filter * 

Enumerate user with default properties in current domain using Active Directory Module

Get-ADUser -Identity <USERNAME>  

Enumerate all users with all properties in current domain using Active Directory Module

Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties *

Enumerate user with all properties in current domain using Active Directory Module

Get-ADUser -Properties * -Identity <USERNAME>

Last updated