Enumerating GPOs


Get list of GPOs of current domain


Get list of GPOs of another domain

Get-NetGPO -Domain <DOMAIN NAME>

Get list of GPO names of current domain

Get-NetGPO | Select displayname

Get list of GPO names of another domain

Get-NetGPO -Domain <DOMAIN NAME> | Select displayname

Get GPO applied on a specific OU with gplink

(Get-NetOU <OU NAME> -FullData).gplink.split(";")[0] -replace "^." | %{Get-NetGPO -ADSpath $_ }

Get resultant set of GPO policies

gpresult /R

Get GPOs which use restricted groups or groups.xml for interesting users


Get users which are in a local group of a machine using GPO

Find-GPOComputerAdmin -Computername <COMPUTER NAME>

Get machines where the given user is member of a specific group

Find-GPOLocation -Username <USERNAME> 

Get GPO applied on an OU

Get-NetGPO -GPOName "{Gplink of OU}"

Active Directory Module

Get list of GPOs of current domain

Get-GPO -All

Get resultant set of GPOs of current domain

Get-GPResultantSetOfPolicy -ReportType HTML -Path <PATH TO REPORT>

Get GPO applied on an OU

Get-GPO -Guid <Gplink of OU>

Last updated